Ride Leader Jersey Incentive Program 7/1/95-6/30/96

Here are the ride leader jersey points earned from 7/1/95 to 6/30/96, sorted by number of points. 30 points earns a jersey, and partial credit is given for 15 to 29 points. The co-leader receives the same number of points as the leader. This program ended on 6/30/96. See the front page of the June 1995 Flat Tyre newsletter for more details. Data for the last half of 1995 came from Damien Burnett, 1994-1995 Statistician.

Last updated: 4/27/97 by Carol Shaw.
Go to the Western Wheelers Statistics Home Page.

Point assignments are as follows:

Long Distance Training Coordinator    5
A Rides                               4
B Rides                               3
C-F Rides                             2

                                   Total Ride Leader
 Rank First Name         Last Name   Jersey Points
Jersey earned (30 or more points):
    1 Carol              Shaw           126
    2 Pete               Blasberg       110
    3 Roger              Stenerson      107
    4 Dick               Robinson        93
    5 Roxanne            Robinson        93
    6 Jim                Mongillo        55
    7 Fran               Kaplan          54
    8 Karl               Kneip           53
    9 Barbara            Eandi           49
   10 Dick               Blaine          48
   11 John               Hughes          48
   12 Diana              Cook Pearl      41
   13 Richard (Dick)     Eandi           41
   14 Nancy              Dix             40
   15 Herman             Beitch          36
   16 Cheryle            Gail            30
Buyout option (15-29 points):
   17 Bob                Becker          29
   18 Bob                Pearl           29
   19 Sally              Anderson        25
   20 Naomi              Bloom           24
   21 Carol              Means           24
   22 Glenn              Wegner          24
   23 Don                Burnett         23
   24 John               Emmel           23
   25 Liz                Simmons         23
   26 Angela (Angie)     Mongillo        22
   27 Mark               Stephenson      22
   28 Betsy              Evart           21
   29 Ted                Johnston        20
   30 Fred               Westphal        20
   31 Bob                Anderson        19
   32 Mickie             Anderson        18
   33 Pat                McGuire         18
   34 Clarke             Stanley         18
   35 Stella             Hackell         16
   36 Frances (Francie)  Fisher          15
   37 Margaret           Limberatos      15
   38 Renato             Tolentino       15
   39 Michael            Weaver          15
   40 Alvin              Chin            14
   41 Andy               Kirk            14
   42 Frank              LaFetra         14
   43 Rosemary           Alguard         13
   44 Emam               Shahi           13
   45 Lisa               Antonino        12
   46 Dan                Brown           12
   47 Mike               Harding         12
   48 Ken                Lum             12
   49 Michael (Mike)     Wright          12
   50 Cliff              Mastenbrook     11
   51 John               Serafin         11
   52 Richard            Bone            10
   53 Peter              Donohue         10
   54 Paul               Vander Heiden   10
   55 Doris              McGuire          9
   56 Roberta            Pattee           9
   57 Howard             Shafer           9
   58 Judy               Colwell          8
   59 Roxana             Heppner          8
   60 Kay                Johnson          8
   61 Rao                Loka             8
   62 John               Mallet           8
   63 Jim                Matzger          8
   64 Bill               Michel           8
   65 Leo                Moll             8
   66 Bob                Pemberton        8
   67 Steve              Prothero         8
   68 Dietrich           Schultz          8
   69 Carole             Smith            8
   70 Jacquette          Ward             7
   71 Bill               Bushnell         6
   72 Bob                deMille          6
   73 Lisa               DiMercurio       6
   74 Nancy              Gordon           6
   75 Bob                Harrington       6
   76 Eric               House            6
   77 Sol                Lederman         6
   78 Jerry              Rosenblum        6
   79 Claire             Shoens           6
   80 Mark               Alguard          5
   81 Alex               Cole             5
   82 Karen              Davis            5
   83 Bob                Elias            5
   84 Ralph              Merkle           5
   85 Anne               Paulson          5
   86 Bill               Brown            4
   87 Tom                Clewe            4
   88 Karen              Frances-Lau      4
   89 Chiquita           Fratto           4
   90 Harold             Lips             4
   91 Irene              Malven           4
   92 Joe                Meyers           4
   93 Karin              Nelson           4
   94 Vicky              Nelson           4
   95 Susann             Novalis          4
   96 Cheryl             Prothero         4
   97 Mark               Sarjeant         4
   98 Carolyn            Spiegel          4
   99 Leslie             Stanley          4
  100 Kenneth            Straub           4
  101 Jane               Taylor           4
  102 Lynda              Traves           4
  103 Dave               Ziegler          4
  104 Irv                Zim              4
  105 Robert             Anderson         3
  106 Emily              Anning           3
  107 John               Anning           3
  108 Jean               Behse            3
  109 Norton             Bell             3
  110 Harriet            Besser           3
  111 Trig               Birkeland        3
  112 Karen              Bradley          3
  113 Tom                Dawson           3
  114 Don                Hamilton         3
  115 Gladys             Koke             3
  116 Linda              Liebermann       3
  117 Michael            Liebermann       3
  118 Jim                Limberatos       3
  119 Gordon             Maloney          3
  120 Arleen             Marshall         3
  121 David              Marshall         3
  122 Ed                 Rubenfeld        3
  123 Dave               Stanley          3
  124 Bruce              Weiner           3
  125 Scott              Wiley            3
  126 Nolan              Zisman           3
  127 Patricia           Zisman           3
  128 Don                Zulch            3
  129 Jeff               Bell             2
  130 Vinnie             Biberdorf        2
  131 Don                Burch            2
  132 Damien             Burnett          2
  133 Dave               Dugan            2
  134 Dianne             Eaton            2
  135 Linda              Farwell          2
  136 Bob                Graf             2
  137 Jack               Graf             2
  138 Cheryl             Herms            2
  139 Mark               Hetchler         2
  140 Glenn              James            2
  141 Paul               Kern             2
  142 John               Langbein         2
  143 Brian              Livezey          2
  144 Dana               Nix              2
  145 Cathleen (Cathy)   Ott              2
  146 Nigel              Ray              2
  147 Dave               Signor           2
  148 Meg                Stoner           2
  149 Janet              Taillon          2
  150 Bob                Tyson            2
  151 Jo                 Vlastaris        2
  152 Linda              Wegner           2
  153 David              Whittick         2
  154 Sam                Wilkie           2
  155 Bill               Woods            2